Downloads: 2,104 Requirements: Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server
Publisher: ionForge Limitations: No limitations
Date added: June 21, 2005 File size: 628.24K
License: Free Alternate download links...
ImageDiff is a pixel by pixel image difference (image diffing) and comparison tool. ImageDiff allows you to compare two images side by side, and see a difference mask showing you the exact pixels that have changed. ImageDiff Features include: Compare images of different formats, including JPG, GIF, BMP, and TIF, PNG. Compare images of different proportions, ImageDiff will scale and calculate the difference automatically. Apply colored filters to see the degree of change between the images. See metrics indicating percent of pixel change and percent of color change. Use a tolerance to eliminate compression noise and artifacts. Overlay the original unchanged pixels to see exactly where change occurred.